Intervista Stephenie Meyer (5° e 6° libro)

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CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 19:16

ecco una piccola intervista a Stephenie Meyer....
visto che capisco molto poco di inglese, qualcuno potrebbe dire a grandi linee cosa dice? cmq dovrebbe dire che ha un'idea per il 5° e forse il 6° libro......MAGARIIIIII
wuaua parla anche di Robert che θ troppo magro? (emh nn sono brava i inglese)cmq:


ecco l'intervista:

ok, this was ripped from an online interview w/ stephaine meyers a long time ago.

this could have changed, but the fact that she actually put it out there maens there is a CHANCE! :DDDDD

Q: "Do you think you will write more in the twilight series?"

A: I can't say for sure. Right now, I'm seriously burned out on vampires, and I still have Midnight Sun to go. Plus there is all kinds of behind the scene publishing politics with this series that sucks some of the fun out. But could I really leave them behind for good? Probably not. I assume that after some recovery time, I'll revisit the Twilight universe. I have a detailed outline for a fifth book, and I finally figured out how I'd end book six.

[Holy crap! Book 5 & book 6? I think I might faint from excitement!]

Q: (About Robert Pattinson as Edward) "...and my ONE beef with him is that he really is skinny. Not even just lanky - skinny. Here's hoping that the next two months bring him a sculpted Edward-esque body.

A: Robert is undergoing intensive physical training as we speak (type). He should be excellently ripped by the time he films the meadow scene.

Q: "And now a question....maybe you can't answer cause it would give away something from BD but....we've talked a lot about the wolves learning more during their "training sessions" with the vamps then just what they needed to know to fight the newborns. Were they collecting more information thinking they might fight the Cullens down the road? Also, if Carlisle had not taken care of Jacob and re-broke his bones so they would have healed correctly....would he have ever been able to morph again? If not...I think Billy needs to be eternally grateful to the Cullens...."

A: The wolves were definitely thinking about that aspect.

Jacob would have healed up wrong, and, since a normal doctor couldn't have been involved, his packmates would have had to try to straighten out his bones. It would have been a lot more painful and the end result would have been no where near as good. He would have been able to phase, but his wolf-self would have been just as messed.

Yeah, Jacob and Billy both owe Carlisle. But Carlisle owed the wolves for saving the Cullens' butts, too. So maybe they're even.

RIPPED FROM Official Twilight Fanclub Blog titled "Stephenie Meyer on movie questions & etc.

CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 20:59

Le hanno chiesto se scriverΰ su Twilight.. per ora finisce il 5° e poi inizia il 6° libro. Su Robert dice che non ha ancora il fisico di Edward e che spera di poterlo sistemare facendogli fare un pς di palestra :P
Magari ci saranno delle scene in cui si vede a petto nudo.. uuuuh ^^ ---> questo lo dico x le fan d Rob :D
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:01

adesso Clodiina impazzisce ahahah
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:04

ahaha θ vero!! xD
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:06

(Coldina superimpazzitaaaa)

grazie Nica!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by clodiina - 11/4/2008, 22:07
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:07

Figurati clodi.. ^^
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:07

ihih lo avevo detto :P
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:08

he he he he aspetterς con impazienza.......xς nel frattempo....wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:08

ahahah ^^
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:09

ormai mi conoscete........cmq qui mi stanno prendendo x pazza.....
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:10

Noi ormai ci siamo abituate!!
Ma sei unica proprio per questo *____*
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:11

noooo vabbθ se incominciaste a dire cose del genere su Emmett farei anche di peggio XD
CAT_IMG Posted on 11/4/2008, 21:23

he he he he he he he!!!!!!!!! ormai voi lo sapete coma faccio!!! ma nn mi avete vista quando ho guardato il video del dietro le quinte.....wuauaauaua i miei dormivano...nn vi dico la scena.....mwuauauaua Robert
CAT_IMG Posted on 16/4/2008, 20:31

clo sto cercando di immaginarti!!!!!XDD comunque sbaglio o nel libro Ed NON era proprio palestrato??! bho forse sono io che me lo immaginavo magrolino ma con un po' di muscoli... bho.... comunque sono felice per clo^_^ tanto ormai al mio Ed non ci assomigliava per niente quindi tanto vale che almeno qualcuno sia soddisfatto(non faccio nomi vero clo??!!!!XDD)^_^
CAT_IMG Posted on 16/7/2008, 13:06

cecilia θ letteralmente impazzita, il suo cervello θ skizzato via saltellando, io sono solo il suo corpo davanti al computer ke skrive... kontinua a gridare (il cervello) "un quinto e un sesto libro???... yuppieeeeeee"
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